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Centre for Social Initiatives NADEZ join “Find the green”

Centre for Social Initiatives NADEZ

 They began the activities by reading the children’s story ‘Let me tell you a secret for the environment’ to the youngest children coming to the Youth Centre. The book is published by the EU Commission and raises awareness of the various ways we pollute our Planet on a daily basis. When they finished the story, they talked about the consequences of the pollution of planet Earth and the ways we can decrease pollution in general. Then, inspired by the story they drew several pictures of healthy and polluted environment. When the bigger children came to the Youth Centre, they discussed about the water and water pollution, and all learned how to use this resource properly and effectively in everyday life. After this, they all went out for a small cleaning action and cleaned their yard and playground of all the garbage. At the end, they planted flowers in the yard and promised that will be more aware and will look after our planet Earth in order to make it better place in the future. Every child put a name to the flower it planted with the aim to water it and take care of it from now on.


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