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Call for Applications for New Members 2023

The Youth Council of the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia is seeking new members. This unique opportunity is open to all qualified youth living in North Macedonia.  Together, we can make a difference!  Why should you join our team?  Develop skills to become a stronger young leader.  Contribute towards empowering the youth of North Macedonia.  Get to …

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Research publication “Cyber Bullying Among Youth and Its Connection to Their Mental Health and Quality of Life” was developed and published

After numerous activities that we have organized in the past for raising awareness about the importance of youth’s mental health, especially in the pandemic times, we decided to work on the topic of cyber bullying. Following the experience and insights from the young participants in our activities, we identified it as a serious issue they face, and still, it’s not …

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Youth Fest

Let’s celebrate YOUth together! Celebrate us, our stories, our struggles and wins, no matter how small or big they may be, our solidarity, our togetherness, our uniqueness. Celebrate being young. Let’s raise our voices and tell everyone that we are here. This is exactly what we are inviting you to do on the upcoming Youth Fest. We invite you to …

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We talk to Simona Josifovska about cyber bullying: How to stay safe online

Sharing is not always caring. At least not on social media! Youngsters are more prone to share their personal life on social media, so to prevent cyber bullying they have to get familiar with the safety features and policies of the social platforms that they are using. So, to protect from a bully, it’s important to click that security button, …

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We talk to Vedije Ratkoceri about cyber bullying: What is the legal aspect of it

The development of technology, internet, social networks have undoubtedly changed our lives, facilitating it with an easier and faster access to information. Technology and internet access helped us the most in the development of learning activities, work and other contacts especially during the emergency situation and quarantine due to COVID-19. However, it was soon seen that the development of technology …

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We talk to Ana Frichand about cyber bullying: What it is and what its effects are

Cyber ​​bullying is a newer form of peer violence. It is most often observed in the period of middle adolescence (more precisely in high schools), but lately the age at which it is manifested and practiced by bullies covers a much larger range. This type of harassment occurs through digital media, social networks, applications, forums, online video games etc. Such …

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YOUTHpreneur Talks #4

The fourth YOUTHpreneur Talk took place on Tuesday, on March 8. This day as the International Women’s Day was the finale of the events concluded with the inspirational stories of four successful women. Dedicating this event to them, we aspired to inspire the participants with the professional successes of these young businesswomen.  As an online happening, it was meant to …

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YOUTHpreneur Talks #3

We have begun March with our third YOUTHpreneur Talk. It was an online event on the platform Zoom where 30 people were present and four very successful stories were shared. Nice words were spread by the young entrepreneurs – Lokman Musliu from Lucky Media, Nikola Jordanovski from Upshift, Irina Janevska from Arno and Miroslav Draganov from Co-Creators with Maja Slaveva …

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YOUTHpreneur Talks #2

More than 25 participants joined the second YOUTHpreneur Talk organized by the Youth Council of the US Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia with support from American Corner Skopje/ American Educational Center. Young entrepreneurs working in marketing, services and IT had the opportunity to share their experiences and challenges about starting a business in North Macedonia and answer questions from the audience. …

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