Home / Featured / We talk to Simona Josifovska about cyber bullying: How to stay safe online

We talk to Simona Josifovska about cyber bullying: How to stay safe online

Sharing is not always caring. At least not on social media! Youngsters are more prone to share their personal life on social media, so to prevent cyber bullying they have to get familiar with the safety features and policies of the social platforms that they are using.

So, to protect from a bully, it’s important to click that security button, and turn off those unnecessary features.

If someone becomes a victim of cyber bullying, they should be encouraged to report the incident to the platform, to the admin of a group, or to the authorities. Just remember, it is totally not acceptable to retaliate with harsh words.

The fight against cyber bullying involves several sides, so it is crucial that everyone is educated enough and can identify the types of cyber bullying.

Simona Josifovska is a cyber security analyst, a certified ethical hacker and network defender.

Participate in a large nationwide youth research to assess the state of cyberbullying among young people and its connection to the quality of life and mental health of youth! Complete the questionnaire below honestly and let’s raise awareness of this phenomenon in our society together.

The questionnaire is anonymous and the data will be used exclusively for the needs of the research.


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