Home / Featured / Research publication “Cyber Bullying Among Youth and Its Connection to Their Mental Health and Quality of Life” was developed and published

Research publication “Cyber Bullying Among Youth and Its Connection to Their Mental Health and Quality of Life” was developed and published

After numerous activities that we have organized in the past for raising awareness about the importance of youth’s mental health, especially in the pandemic times, we decided to work on the topic of cyber bullying. Following the experience and insights from the young participants in our activities, we identified it as a serious issue they face, and still, it’s not a frequent topic of discussion in our country. The increased use of the Internet, the dangers of cyber bullying as well as its impact on youth mental health were the main reasons for conducting the research.

The research process began with the preparation of a questionnaire that was shared with high school and university students across the country and with schools and universities. Afterward, we gathered the data and analyzed it. The findings and results were written in a publication so that they can be publicly available and more people can explore the state of cyber bullying in our country and its impact on youth mental health. This is the first publication of this type in our country.

Here you can read the whole publication in Macedonian and Albanian together with the key research findings:

Cyber Bullying Research Publication – Macedonian version

Cyber Bullying Research Publication – Albanian version

Key Research Findings

We presented the key findings during our youth discussion event and raised awareness about this topic among young people, representatives from schools, and relevant experts. As a part of the event, there was also a panel discussion during which the four panelists Ana Frichand, a university professor, Ana Poprizova, a high school psychologist, Era Gjakova, a TV host and member of an NGO, and Ivana Mitevska, a secondary school student offered their insights on this topic. Together with the attendees, they shared recommendations for tackling this issue.

Below, you can catch a glimpse of the atmosphere.

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