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Tag Archives: youthfestMK

Youth Stories #Possible

The youth in our country gave the first strike to democratization of the society, and our youth can do that once again if it renders it necessary.

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Youth Stories #Voice

And as a young girl, my responsibility is to encourage other young girls to stand up for everything they believe in and for every injustice that has been done to them.

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Youth Stories #ArtOfLiving

It is important to realize that all young people within our society share the same struggle. This is inevitably illuminated if we perceive the real interconnectedness that all subcultures in our society contain as a result of the occurrence of a strong homogeneous social atmosphere on the basis of recurrent shared problems.

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Youth Fest

What matters to youth? Our stories matter. Our solidarity matters. Words matter. Music matters. Diversity matters.The air we breathe, our education, our leaders. Art and style matter. Free expression. Our ideas, our confidence, our crafts. We may acknowledge that all of the above matters, but we also need to celebrate it. We need others to hear our stories, we need …

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