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Youth Stories

Youth Stories #Artist

I’m an artist. I grew up in my own world. A kid with bugs – people would say. Ever since I was a child, I was very stubborn about my convictions. Once, I was invited to a national TV to talk about my art. One of my illustrations featured the modern side of Skopje that no longer exists. The host …

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Youth Stories #ArtOfLiving

It is important to realize that all young people within our society share the same struggle. This is inevitably illuminated if we perceive the real interconnectedness that all subcultures in our society contain as a result of the occurrence of a strong homogeneous social atmosphere on the basis of recurrent shared problems.

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DJ Ux (Oubli) – Making diversity cool through underground music

” In a society where diversity is seen as lunacy and where ideas stay trapped in people’s minds, spreading our beliefs has been a constant battle.Primarily driven by the lack of space that is offered for talented and creative individuals, Oubli is a project led by three young music enthusiasts that aims to enrich everyday life with quality underground music …

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Youth of Macedonia #14

“A little girl with great dreams – this is how I’d describe myself firstly. My daily routine is really simple, the most important thing now for me is going to school, getting back home, reading, and sometimes going out. But I want my life and my daily routine to change in the future. I mean, I want to have the …

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Youth of Macedonia #13

“Macedonia is not state of citizens” or “You don’t belong here” are statements that I have heard really often, but I never agreed. Maybe Macedonia is not a state of citizens but for one thing I am sure “I DO BELONG HERE”. As an activist of human rights, I think it’s time when we, the youth, should let nationalism in …

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Youth of Macedonia #12

“I remember the first time when I consciously start loving painting and art, it was the first time when my parents bought me a box of water colors. It was the first time I held a brush and created my first painting. I was 4. I still keep that little piece of art, and every time I see it I …

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Youth of Macedonia #11

I really think that Macedonia has a lot of potential to prosper, particularly because of its youth. I was the Student Body President at a local high school in Gostivar when Maths became a compulsory subject in the exit examination. Having more than 2,000 students came together to protest against the decision, made me realize that nothing can stop a …

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Youth of Macedonia #10

“I play the viola. No, not the violin. The VIOLA! I have always known that music would be part of my life, I have always wanted to be a musician. I started playing the violin at a very young age. I took private lessons for a couple of years, but, for different reasons I quit. Going through middle school and …

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Youth of Macedonia #9

“To be happy, you must continuously create a better understanding of life” – said my father. This has helped me find my dream: discovering more effective and efficient medical device technologies, especially for underprivileged countries. I study Biomedical Engineering in the U.S.A. and I am currently working in Philips Healthcare. Mainly, I get to poke CT scanners to gain a …

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