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Tag Archives: youthofMK

Youth Stories #Possible

The youth in our country gave the first strike to democratization of the society, and our youth can do that once again if it renders it necessary.

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Youth Stories #Purpose

Everything is possible if you have a purpose and when you work for that purpose, regardless of the circumstances, obstacles should not have an effect on it.

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Youth Stories #Impact

A crack that just might spark a new idea somewhere, produce a smile from a grin, increase faith in the public services you get, provide better living conditions for someone, make you learn something new...

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Youth Fest

What matters to youth? Our stories matter. Our solidarity matters. Words matter. Music matters. Diversity matters.The air we breathe, our education, our leaders. Art and style matter. Free expression. Our ideas, our confidence, our crafts. We may acknowledge that all of the above matters, but we also need to celebrate it. We need others to hear our stories, we need …

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