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Call for Applications for New Members 2024

The Youth Council of the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia is seeking new members. This unique opportunity is open to all qualified youth living in North Macedonia.  Together, we can make a difference!  Why should you join our team?  Develop skills to become a stronger young leader.  Contribute towards empowering the youth of North Macedonia.  Get to …

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Call for Applications for New Members 2021

The Youth Council of the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia is seeking new members. This unique opportunity is open to all qualified youth living in North Macedonia. Together, we can make a difference! Why should you join our team? Develop skills to become a stronger young leader.Contribute towards empowering the youth of North Macedonia.Get to work with …

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Call for Applications for New Members 2018

The Youth Council of the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia is seeking new members. This unique opportunity is open to all qualified youth in Macedonia. Together, we can make a difference! Why should you join our team? Develop skills to become a stronger young leader. Contribute towards empowering the youth of Macedonia. Get to work with a dedicated …

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Call for Applications for New Members 2016

YOU CAN BE ONE OF US! CALL FOR APPLICATIONS The Youth Council of the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia is seeking 10 new members.  This unique opportunity is open to all qualified youth in Macedonia. Together, we can make a difference! Why should you join our team? Develop skills to become a stronger young leader. Contribute towards empowering …

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AmCham Macedonia “Open a Door” Internship Program

AmCham Macedonia “Open a Door” Internship Program The AmCham Executive Office opened a call for university students from low income households to gain access to internship opportunities in cooperation with AmCham member organizations. Students simply need to submit a completed form and evidence of their low income status, then the AmCham staff will do their best to find an internship that suits the student’s interests and needs. STUDENTS: …

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Call for Participation “The hardest job is to find a job”

CALL for participation in the project and series of workshops “The hardest job is to find a job” (Stip 14 – 15 May) Are you young? Live in Stip or nearby? Unemployed and looking for work? Ever wondered which skills are needed to find the right job? The Youth Council of the U.S. Embassy in Skopje offers you a wonderful …

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CALL for participation of the series of workshops in the project “The hardest job is finding a job” (Albanian version)

SHPALLJE Për pjesmarrje në trajnimet në kuadër të projektit “Puna më e vështirë është të gjesh punë” A je i ri? A jeton në Strugë? A je i papunë? A kërkon punë? A ke menduar ndonjëherë cilat aftësi të nevojiten për të gjetur punë? Këshilli rinor i Ambasadës të Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës në Shkup, Maqedoni ju ofron një …

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CALL for participation of the series of workshops in the project “The hardest job is finding a job” (Macedonian version)

  ПОВИК за учество на серијата обуки во рамките на проектот „Најтешка работа е да најдеш работа“ Млад си? Живееш во Струга? Невработен си? Бараш работа? Дали некогаш си размислувал кои вештини ти се потребни за да ја најдеш вистинската работа? Младинскиот совет на Американската амбасада во Скопје ти нуди одлична можност да ги зајакнеш твоите вештините за барање на …

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