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Tag Archives: youth council

We talk to Ana Frichand about cyber bullying: What it is and what its effects are

Cyber ​​bullying is a newer form of peer violence. It is most often observed in the period of middle adolescence (more precisely in high schools), but lately the age at which it is manifested and practiced by bullies covers a much larger range. This type of harassment occurs through digital media, social networks, applications, forums, online video games etc. Such …

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Youth Stories #Possible

The youth in our country gave the first strike to democratization of the society, and our youth can do that once again if it renders it necessary.

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Youth Stories #Purpose

Everything is possible if you have a purpose and when you work for that purpose, regardless of the circumstances, obstacles should not have an effect on it.

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Youth Stories #Self-Discipline

Every time I fail, I try to learn a new lesson but it is excruciatingly slow, frustrating and in my low moments I even start thinking if it is worth trying to push against my comfort zone.

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Youth Stories #Expression

The one thing I really want is to be understood by my peers. They just need to listen to everything they have claimed as meaningless. Don't struggle with words, judgments and everything that is holding you back. You have something to say, that is a fact and nothing can stop you.

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Youth Stories #Color

"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for." - Georgia O'Keeffe.

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Youth Stories #Impact

A crack that just might spark a new idea somewhere, produce a smile from a grin, increase faith in the public services you get, provide better living conditions for someone, make you learn something new...

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Youth Stories #Voice

And as a young girl, my responsibility is to encourage other young girls to stand up for everything they believe in and for every injustice that has been done to them.

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