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Tag Archives: Youth Inspiration

Youth Stories #Possible

The youth in our country gave the first strike to democratization of the society, and our youth can do that once again if it renders it necessary.

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Youth Stories #Purpose

Everything is possible if you have a purpose and when you work for that purpose, regardless of the circumstances, obstacles should not have an effect on it.

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Youth Stories #Expression

The one thing I really want is to be understood by my peers. They just need to listen to everything they have claimed as meaningless. Don't struggle with words, judgments and everything that is holding you back. You have something to say, that is a fact and nothing can stop you.

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Youth Stories #Impact

A crack that just might spark a new idea somewhere, produce a smile from a grin, increase faith in the public services you get, provide better living conditions for someone, make you learn something new...

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Youth Stories #Brave

My biggest personal struggle is probably not being brave enough. In various areas of my life I have found myself being scared of taking risks and changing my status quo, or speaking up.

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Youth Fest

On April 7, the council organized a festival that showcased, through an interactive exhibition, twenty-one stories of the youth in North Macedonia. Other stories that were procured were shared through social media campaign, that had its biggest social media peak at 80K people reached organically, and are periodically still being shared on the council’s social media platform. The festival hosted …

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