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Last stop of the trainings – Krushevo!

Krushevo was our last location of our series of trainings, and we wrapped up the cycle with it.  This beautiful city with lots of potential unraveled some of its worries through its most important inhabitants – the youth! The 4 day intensive activities covered relevant unemployment issues and the participants learned how to enhance their capabilities when job searching, how …

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Second cycle of the series of trainings – Debar!

In the city of Culture, Education and tradition The second destination of “The hardest job is to find a job” was the beautiful city of Debar. Youth Council logistics team and trainers had the pleasure to be part of such a great working atmosphere and a warm welcome by the citizens of Debar in general and especially young people. Participants …

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First cycle of the series of trainings – Berovo!

The first cycle of the series of intensive trainings on job searching and career tools, leadership and motivation, soft skills and presentation, and entrepreneurship and innovation has been successfully completed by 32 participants from municipality Berovo this weekend. Participants were exposed to a unique interactive setting where they were challenged to think entrepreneurial and act locally to expand the catalog …

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The hardest job is to find a job!

Well, the meetings turned out to be productive in the planning of a project that we are going to implement. It is completely FROM the youth FOR the youth of Macedonia, and it is also completely free of charge. We have organized a series of workshops that will help the selected participants gain essential skills for more efficient and successful job …

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Petar Zdravkovski Penko with Find the green!

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwk92Rby8U0&feature=youtu.be] The Find the Green initiative we launched in the beginning of April to challenge schools across Macedonia to help clean the environment has taken off with mass success. A school in Skopje, Cair, Petar Zdravkovski-Penko, joined in the challenge. They were no strangers to cleaning up in April, they have an annual tradition of helping in some way for …

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Vasil Glavinov school joins Find the green!

The Youth Council challenge video motivated students from elementary school Vasil Glavinov from Chair to organize a clean up action in the school yard. 20 students from different background started the action that resulted with raising awareness among the students about the meaning of Earth day, keeping the Earth clean by keeping our community clean. Caring about our environment means …

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A.S. – Kjikjish from Tetovo with “Find the green”

On the occasion of Earth Day the elementary school “A.S.-Kjikjish” from Tetovo organized a series of activities with students from first to eighth grade. The goal of all activities was for children from early age to increase their awareness of environmental maintenance  which is important for all of us, regardless of age and faith, and to develop habits for waste care, …

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“Find the green” – Elementary School “Blagoj Kirkov” – Veles

Elementary School “Blagoj Kirkov” – Veles Photos of the celebration of Earth Day on April 22 presenting the activity called “Cleaner-better school environment”. About 200 students participated and conducted three activities: cleaning the school yard, planting trees and flowers and collecting plastic bottles. Students and teachers were satisfied and wish to have more activities of this nature.

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Centre for Social Initiatives NADEZ join “Find the green”

Centre for Social Initiatives NADEZ  They began the activities by reading the children’s story ‘Let me tell you a secret for the environment’ to the youngest children coming to the Youth Centre. The book is published by the EU Commission and raises awareness of the various ways we pollute our Planet on a daily basis. When they finished the story, …

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